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Yedaya Katsman / BIND
Apache License 2.0Welcome to the public repository for BIND 9 source code and issues. Classic, full-featured and mostly standards-compliant DNS.
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Timo Eisenmann / BIND
Apache License 2.0Welcome to the public repository for BIND 9 source code and issues. Classic, full-featured and mostly standards-compliant DNS.
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Jinmei Tatuya / BIND
Apache License 2.0Welcome to the public repository for BIND 9 source code and issues.
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ISC Open Source Projects / BIND
Apache License 2.0Welcome to the public repository for BIND 9 source code and issues. Classic, full-featured and mostly standards-compliant DNS.
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Dominik Thalhammer / BIND
Apache License 2.0Welcome to the public repository for BIND 9 source code and issues. Classic, full-featured and mostly standards-compliant DNS.
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Remi Gacogne / BIND
Apache License 2.0Welcome to the public repository for BIND 9 source code and issues. Classic, full-featured and mostly standards-compliant DNS.
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Taavi E / BIND
Apache License 2.0Welcome to the public repository for BIND 9 source code and issues. Classic, full-featured and mostly standards-compliant DNS.
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Petr Menšík / BIND
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ISC Open Source Projects / dhcp
Mozilla Public License 2.0ISC DHCP is an open source solution for DHCP servers, relay agents, and clients, both IPv4 and IPv6. This project is officially END OF LIFE. We are still accepting issues for the community benefit but - except possibly in the case of a security vulnerability - are not planning any further releases. (https://www.isc.org/blogs/isc-dhcp-eol/)
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Tony Finch / misc scripts
Mozilla Public License 2.0somewhere for me to stash various helpers