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  • Michał Kępień's avatar
    Fix skipping tests requiring dnspython · 05c97f23
    Michał Kępień authored
    The intended purpose of the @pytest.mark.dnspython{,2} decorators was to
    cause dnspython-based tests to be skipped if dnspython is not available
    (or not recent enough).  However, a number of system tests employing
    those decorators contain global "import dns.resolver" statements which
    trigger ImportError exceptions during test initialization if dnspython
    is not available.  In other words, the @pytest.mark.dnspython{,2}
    decorators serve no useful purpose.
    Currently, whenever a Python-based test requires dnspython, that
    requirement applies to all tests in a given *.py file.  Given that,
    employ global pytest.importorskip() calls to ensure dnspython-based
    parts of various system tests are skipped when dnspython is not
    available.  Remove all occurrences of the @pytest.mark.dnspython{,2}
    decorators (and all associated code) to prevent confusion.