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  • Ondřej Surý's avatar
    Add dns_message_checksig() fuzzer · 4da0180b
    Ondřej Surý authored and Petr Špaček's avatar Petr Špaček committed
    dns_message_checksig is called in a number of scenarios
    	* on requests and responses
    	* on multiple opcodes
    	* with and without signatures
    	* with TSIG signatures
    	* with SIG(0) signatures
    	* with and without configured TSIG keys
    	* with and without KEY records being present
    	* signing performed now, in the future and in the past
    we use the first two octets of the seed to configure the calling
    environment with the remainder of the seed being the rdata of the
    TSIG/SIG(0) record.