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  • David Lawrence's avatar
    Major: · 401fc772
    David Lawrence authored
      deletion bug fixed that could orphan a large section of the tree.  the
      "parent" argument to rotate_left or rotate_right was sometimes not
      really the parent of the rotation vertex, because the parent's parent
      was not correctly reidentified after a rotation done on the parent.
      forward static declaration of dns_rbt_printnodename, useful in debugging.
      level_matches set correctly for exact match in dns_rbt_findnode (it was
      one too few, but this was minor because as yet level_matches is only
      used by other code when a partial match was made.
      insist 'node' is a child of 'parent' in rotate_left and rotate_right
      compare a pointer explicitly to NULL that was just "if (pointer)"
      "would would" in a comment changed to just one "would".