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  • Ondřej Surý's avatar
    Change isc_random() to be just PRNG, and add isc_nonce_buf() that uses CSPRNG · 99ba29bc
    Ondřej Surý authored
    This commit reverts the previous change to use system provided
    entropy, as (SYS_)getrandom is very slow on Linux because it is
    a syscall.
    The change introduced in this commit adds a new call isc_nonce_buf
    that uses CSPRNG from cryptographic library provider to generate
    secure data that can be and must be used for generating nonces.
    Example usage would be DNS cookies.
    The isc_random() API has been changed to use fast PRNG that is not
    cryptographically secure, but runs entirely in user space.  Two
    contestants have been considered xoroshiro family of the functions
    by Villa&Blackman and PCG by O'Neill.  After a consideration the
    xoshiro128starstar function has been used as uint32_t random number
    provider because it is very fast and has good enough properties
    for our usage pattern.
    The other change introduced in the commit is the more extensive usage
    of isc_random_uniform in places where the usage pattern was
    isc_random() % n to prevent modulo bias.  For usage patterns where
    only 16 or 8 bits are needed (DNS Message ID), the isc_random()
    functions has been renamed to isc_random32(), and isc_random16() and
    isc_random8() functions have been introduced by &-ing the
    isc_random32() output with 0xffff and 0xff.  Please note that the
    functions that uses stripped down bit count doesn't pass our
    NIST SP 800-22 based random test.