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  • David Lawrence's avatar
    534. [func] Ancestors have been removed from RBT chains. Ancestor · b65f2ab1
    David Lawrence authored
    			information can be discerned via node parent pointers.
     533.	[func]		Incorporated name hashing into the RBT database to
    			improve search speed.
    There is still evidence of a bug with regard to bitstring labels.  It shows
    up in bin/test/rbt/t_rbt -x -t 4 when the assertion at lib/dns/rbt.c:1631
    is uncommented -- essentially a bitstring node's location in the hashtable
    is not getting properly updated at some point.  This shouldn't affect
    searching, because a bitstring label as the parent of a new level will
    generally cause the standard old binary search to be done.  I will be looking
    at this more closely in the very near future.
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