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  • David Lawrence's avatar
    Vertical whitespace is encouraged for improved code legibility by · e1747e09
    David Lawrence authored
    grouping closely related statements and then separating them with a
    single empty line.
    Lines should not be longer than 79 characters, even if it requires
    violating the indentation rules to do so.  Since ANSI is assumed, the
    best way to deal with strings that extend past column 79 is to break
    them into two or more sections separated from each other by a newline
    and indentation. (w/example)
    Note that <isc/lang.h> should be included by any public
    header file to get the ISC_LANG_BEGINDECLS and ISC_LANG_ENDDECLS
    macros used so the correct name-mangling happens for function
    declarations when C++ programs include the file. <isc/lang.h> should
    be included for private header files or for public files that do not
    declare any functions. (w/example)
    Fixed < and > use in sample header file.
    The config.h file must never be included by any public header file.
    The comma operator should not be used to form compound statements.
    Generally speaking, when a control statement (<CODE>if, for</CODE> or
    <CODE>while</CODE>) has only a single action associated with it, then no
    bracing is used around the statement.  Exceptions include when the
    compiler would complain about an ambiguous else clause, or when extra
    bracing improves the readability (a judgement call biased toward not
    having the braces).
    Do not put a space after the "sizeof" operator name, and also
    parenthesize its argument, as in <CODE>malloc(4 * sizeof(long))</CODE>.
    Do not put a space after a cast. (w/example)
    <H4>The Ternary Operator</H4> (w/example)
    The ?: operator should mostly be avoided.  It is tolerated when
    deciding what value to pass as a parameter to a function, such as
    frequently happens with printf, and also when a simple (non-compound)
    value is being used in assignment or as part of a calculation.
    In particular, using the ternary operator to specify a return value is
    verboten. (Well, Bob didn't tell me *forbidden* when he first said this
    to me long ago, but I got the impression he really did not like it.)
    Variables should not have their values assigned or changed when being
    passed as parameters, except perhaps for the increment and decrement
    operators. (This came up when I found something much like this in one
    of our files:
           malloc(size = 20);
    All public interfaces to functions, macros, typedefs, and
    variables provided by the library, should use names of the form
    {library}_{module}_{what}, such as:
           isc_buffer_t                            /* typedef */
           dns_name_setbuffer(name, buffer)       /* function */
           ISC_LIST_HEAD(list)                    /* macro */
           isc_commandline_argument               /* variable */
    however, structures which are typedef'd generally have the name of the
    typedef sans the final _t:
           struct dns_rbtnode {
                   /* ... members ... */
    Generally speaking macros are defined with all capital letters, but
    this is not universally consistent (eg, numerous isc_buffer_{foo}
    The {module} and {what} segments of the name do not have underscores
    separating natural word elements, as demonstrated in
    isc_commandline_argument and dns_name_setbuffer above.  The {module}
    part is usually the same as the basename of the source file, but
    sometimes other {module} interfaces appear within one file, such as
    dns_label_* interfaces in lib/dns/name.c.  However, in the public
    libraries the file name must be the same as some module interface
    provided by the file; e.g., dns_rbt_* interfaces would not be declared
    in a file named redblack.c (in lieu of any other dns_redblack_*
    interfaces in the file).
    The one notable exception to this naming rule is the interfaces
    provided by <isc/util.h>.  There's a large caveat associated with the
    public description of this file that it is hazardous to use because it
    pollutes the general namespace.
    <H4>Shared Private Interfaces</H4>
    When a module provides an interface for internal use by other modules
    in the library, it should use the same naming convention
    described for the public interfaces, except {library} and {module}
    are separated by a double-underscore.  This indicates that the name is
    internal, its API is not as formal as the public API, and thus it
    might change without any sort of notice.
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