named-checkconf should report missing dnstap-output option when dnstap option is set
named-checkconf reports no errors, but named will not start.
The option "dnstap" requires "dnstap-output" to also be present, but named-checkconf does not discover/report the unloadable configuration.
named-checkconf; echo $?
named -g 2>&1 | tail -4
09-Jul-2019 16:05:14.735 automatic empty zone: HOME.ARPA
09-Jul-2019 16:05:14.735 'dnstap-output' must be set if 'dnstap' is set: not found
09-Jul-2019 16:05:14.735 loading configuration: not found
09-Jul-2019 16:05:14.735 exiting (due to fatal error)
An rndc-checkconf error message.
Links / references
BIND 9.14.3
named-checkconf -p
options {
directory "/etc/namedb";
dnstap { client; auth; };
recursion yes;