negative hook point value in filter-aaaa.c
Jinmei points out (via Support #16987) what may be an extraneous '-' character in the code.
FWIW I agree with him -- if this is unintentional it should be removed, even if currently harmless, and if it is intended for some reason then a comment would be advisable, as without explanation it looks pretty suspect.
I have one simple question about this line of bind-9.16.5/bin/plugins/filter-aaaa.c:
ns_hook_add(hooktable, mctx, -NS_QUERY_QCTX_INITIALIZED, &filter_init);
What's the purpose [of] the "minus" sign prepended to NS_QUERY_QCTX_INITIALIZED?
NS_QUERY_QCTX_INITIALIZED seems to happen to be 0, so that wouldn't
have any effect, but if it's ever renumbered it could cause a
disaster; most likely to just trigger a REQUIRE failure, but in the
worst case corrupt memory. Or is that actually the intent?
If it's not intentional, I'd suggest removing the minus sign as it's
just cryptic. If it's intentional, I'd suggest leaving a comment
about it's intent, since it's...well, cryptic.