Question about 'using hashtable size' log messages for RPZs
Jinmei has a question about the appropriate logging level for an RPZ log message.
On ISC Support ticket #13060, he asks:
BIND 9.11.3-S2 emits the following log message at the info level for every RPZ when updating the RPZ:
isc_log_write(dns_lctx, DNS_LOGCATEGORY_GENERAL, DNS_LOGMODULE_MASTER, ISC_LOG_INFO, "rpz: %s: using hashtable size %d", domain, hashsize);
Is this intentional? I'm asking this because this can be quite verbose for heavily changing zone and the log message is cryptic for typical operators. There was a similar case we discussed before (support ticket #12854), so I'm wondering whether this may be another instance of such "leftover".