nsupdate hangs when processing a large number of updates interactively
On Ubuntu 22.04.4 since BIND 9.18.28, "nsupdate" hangs when processing a large
number of updates interactively.
All updates are performed.
This does not happen when updates are contained in a file.
This does not occur using nsupdate from BIND 9.18.27.
BIND version affected
root@haparanda:/home/named# /opt/bind/bind-9.18.28/bin/nsupdate -V nsupdate 9.18.28
Steps to reproduce
- Use attached configuration file
- Run the following command
echo "server";
echo "zone dummy.com";
for n in {0..2000}; do
echo "update add host$n.dummy.com 3600 IN TXT \"host $n\"";
echo "send";
} |/opt/bind/bind-9.18.28/bin/nsupdate
What is the current bug behavior?
nsupdate hangs
What is the expected correct behavior?
nsupdate should return to the command prompt.
Relevant configuration files
options {
directory "/home/named";
pid-file "named.pid";
recursion yes;
allow-recursion { any; };
zone "dummy.com" in{
type master;
notify no;
allow-transfer { any; };
allow-update { any; };
file "/home/named/m/db.dummy.com";
Relevant logs
using the "-DL 99" parameters the output is:
host1999.dummy.com. 3600 IN TXT "host 1999"
host2000.dummy.com. 3600 IN TXT "host 2000"
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 dispatch 0x7f366d1f1000: connected from to success
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 dispatch 0x7f366d1f1000: TCP response 0x7f366d1f1200: start reading
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 dispatch 0x7f366d1f1000: TCP reading without response from 0x7f366d1c1880
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 dispatch 0x7f366d1f1000: TCP response 0x7f366d1f1200: connect callback: success
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 req_connected: request 0x7f366cd87000: success
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 req_send: request 0x7f366cd87000
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 dispatch 0x7f366d1f1000: TCP response 0x7f366d1f1200: sending
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 throttling TCP connection, the other side is not reading the data, switching to uv_write()
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 dispatch 0x7f366d1f1000: TCP response 0x7f366d1f1200: sent: success
02-Sep-2024 08:28:22.090 req_senddone: request 0x7f366cd87000
Edited by Mark Andrews