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Use setuptools instead of distutils if possible

According to PEP 632 [1], the distutils module is considered deprecated in Python 3.10 and will be removed in Python 3.12. Setup scripts using it should be migrated to the setuptools module, which contains drop-in replacements for distutils functions [2]. The catch is that the setuptools module is not part of the Python Standard Library.

While this problem could be addressed by adding a hard dependency on setuptools, it only affects BIND 9.16, which is an Extended Support Version. To avoid unnecessary disruptions, try importing setup() from the setuptools module and fall back to using distutils if that fails. Add a PyLint suppression for this specific "deprecated-module" warning.

Since the setuptools module is not part of the Python Standard Library and therefore it is not guaranteed that it is universally available in every Python installation, update Python-related checks in to ensure Python module installation does not silently fail.

[1] [2]

Closes #3297 (closed)

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