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  • JINMEI Tatuya's avatar
    [trac871] removed an assertion on arcount after inserting TSIG on further · 28c50de2
    JINMEI Tatuya authored
    thought with review comment.  update the code comment accordingly.
    in fact overflow could (probably) happen if the caller of toWire() tries to
    render to many RRsets with an invalidly large buffer size limit.  also,
    the risk of overflow is not specific to this case; it can happen after
    inserting ordinary RRs.  So if we want to care about such cases we should
    rather cover all of them than making a TSIG specifici check.  For now,
    I don't bother to check such stupid attempt of the caller.  It would simply
    result in bogus wire data and wouldn't make a program crash or something.