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  • JINMEI Tatuya's avatar
    [2204] simplify configureDataSource by always creating a new lists and swap. · 919fe74c
    JINMEI Tatuya authored
    so we don't have to worry about what are in the current lists or rollback
    swapDataSrcClientLists() is newly introduced for AuthSrv.  No direc tests
    yet (technically bad in terms TDD but the definition is very simple), which
    will be provided in the next step.
    the lock is now moved inside swapDataSrcClientLists().
    note: even though this version builds everything, the amount of work
    should be mostly the same because the only save is to create the empty
    ClientList when the new and old have the same class of client.  The expensive
    part is ClientList::configure().  This version doesn't need any more call
    to configure() than the old version.