kea dhcp server not sending vendor option based on host reservation
Hi, I have defined a vendor specific option under the space "vendor-opts-space" and included it in a host reservation. However, the server only sends the IP address reserved for this host and never sends the vendor options. I have verified that through wireshark capture too.
Here is the "option-def":
"option-def": [
"name": "oran-dhcpv6",
"code": 1,
"space": "vendor-opts-space",
"type": "record",
"array": false,
"record-types": "uint8, uint8, string",
"encapsulate": ""
And this is the host reservation:
"duid": "0:02:0:0:0:c1:43:38:32:41:35:38:34:31:39:31",
"ip-addresses": [ "3ffe:501:ffff:100::130" ],
"option-data": [
"name": "oran-dhcpv6",
"space": "vendor-opts-space",
"data": "1, 4, 2C6 B9 9F 9"
//"name": "vendor-opts",
"code": 17,
// ORAN specified enterprise-number 53148 on ORAN MP spec section 3.1.4
"data": "53148"
I dont see any error or warning when I enable DEBUG mode for the kea dhcp server but don't see the options being sent. Is there something I need to specify in the dhclient's config file to request this option? I suppose not, because this is specified for this host reservation, isn't it? Thanks
Edited by Tomek Mrugalski