Support RFC6603 Prefix Exclude with host reservations not just pd-pools
In RFC7084 (Basic Requirements for IPv6 Customer Edge Routers) it says CPE SHOULD IMPLEMENT support for RFC6603.
In RIPE-690 Best Current Operational Practice for Operators: IPv6 prefix assignment for end-users, it says
Not using a pd-pool, but with a host specific reservation I would like be able to set the RFC6603 prefix to exclude:
Perhaps something like this syntax?
"reservations": [
"hw-address": "00:01:02:03:04:05",
"ip-addresses": [ "2001:DB8::101" ],
"prefixes": [ "2001:DB8:10:200::/56" ],
"prefixes_excluded": [ "2001:DB8:10:200::/64" ]
Per RFC6603 exactly one prefix can be excluded from a delegated prefix. So a validity check should be done on the intersection between the prefixes and prefixes_excluded.
Further elaborating, note that prefixes is an array as multiple prefixes can be listed (although a single prefix is the most common). Thus prefixes_excluded must also be array so that you could technically specify an excluded prefix for each prefix.