Diverse textual corrections to the ARM
There are a couple of spelling mistakes in the KEA 1.8.0 arm:
8.4.1 Local and Relayed Traffic in Shared Networks
conifguration -> configuration
9.4.1 Local and Relayed Traffic in Shared Networks
conifguration -> configuration
see RT 17284.
3.4.3 Configure Before the Build
"neces sary" -> "necessary"
3.4.3 Configure Before the Build
"OpenSSL the cryptographic library" -> "OpenSSL cryptographic library".
3.4. Installation from Source 13
"pack ages -> packages"
"in specified directory" -> "in the specified directory"
"sys tems" -> "systems"
"Debian introduced separate directory" -> "Debian introduced a separate directory"
"specifies path" -> "specifies a path"
"requires subscription-only" -> "requires the subscription-only"
"That file contains list" -> "That file contains a list"
"requires subscription-only" -> "requires the subscription-only".