reservation is allowed for out-of-subnet address and/or non-existent subnet-id
Reported by a Support customer:
name: Bug report about: Kea 1.4.0 P1
kea-dhcp4 API accepts the creation of reservations for non-existent subnet-IDs and/or for out-of-subnet ip addresses, tested with mysql backend for hosts. To reproduce:
- create a new subnet, with subnet id 999
REQUEST: { "arguments": { "subnet4": [ { "id": 999, "match-client-id": true, "option-data": [ { "always-send": false, "code": 3, "csv-format": false, "data": "c0000001", "name": "routers", "space": "dhcp4" } ], "pools": [ { "pool": "" } ], "rebind-timer": 2970, "relay": { "ip-addresses": [ "" ] }, "renew-timer": 1800, "reservation-mode": "all", "subnet": "", "valid-lifetime": 3600 } ] }, "command": "subnet4-add", "service": [ "dhcp4" ] }
RESPONSE: [ { "arguments": { "subnets": [ { "id": 999, "subnet": "" } ] }, "result": 0, "text": "IPv4 subnet added" } ]
- create a reservation for out-of-subnet address using as IP and 999 as subnet-id
REQUEST: { "arguments": { "reservation": { "hw-address": "ca:fe:ca:fe:ca:fe", "ip-address": "", "subnet-id": 999 } }, "command": "reservation-add", "service": [ "dhcp4" ] }
RESPONSE: [ { "result": 0, "text": "Host added." } ]
- create a reservation for a non-existent subnet-id using as IP and 123 as subnet-id
REQUEST: { "arguments": { "reservation": { "hw-address": "fa:ce:fa:ce:fa:ce", "ip-address": "", "subnet-id": 123 } }, "command": "reservation-add", "service": [ "dhcp4" ] }
RESPONSE: [ { "result": 0, "text": "Host added." } ]
- verify the presence of both reservations in the "hosts" table