remote-class4-set fails if it depends options that are created in the CB
remote-class4-set fails if it depends options that are created in the CB:
The following command fails if the option-data is defined in the CB. It succeeds if the option-data is defined in the configuration file
curl -kSs -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u 'admin:<pass>' -d '{"service":["dhcp4"],"command":"remote-class4-set","arguments":{"client-classes":[{ "name": "xxxx", "boot-file-name": "bootfile", "valid-lifetime": 180, "test": "substring(option[60].hex,0,11) == '\''xxxx'\''", "option-data": [ { "space": "XXXX", "name": "config-file-name", "code": 1, "data": "xyz", "always-send": true }, { "space": "dhcp4", "name": "tftp-server-name", "code": 66, "data": "", "always-send": true } ] }],"remote":{"type":"mysql"},"server-tags":["all"]}}'
"result": 1,
"text": "option data is not a valid string of hexadecimal digits: xyz (<wire>:0:151)"