kea-dhcp-ddns IO_ERROR logs need to emit the DNSClient status
In several places, D2 emits errors like this:
2022-10-12 10:51:00.592 ERROR [kea-dhcp-ddns.d2-to-dns/1428471.140261605599104] DHCP_DDNS_FORWARD_REMOVE_RRS_IO_ERROR DHCP_DDNS Request ID 0001013B348FA0F1DA2894D79DF01814CE600A4D10DE58D4D2FF97C6E3E8930707365F: encountered an IO error sending a forward RR removal for FQDN to DNS server port:53
The emanate from case statements that handle DNSClient statuses of TIMEOUT or OTHER but the log does not include this. We need to improve the logs so it is readily apparent which occurred. See RT21379.