Unsupported object 'Dhcp4' and 'Dhcp6'
So kea is unable to start:
INFO/keactrl: Starting /home/wlodek/installed/git/sbin/kea-dhcp4 -c /home/wlodek/installed/git/etc/kea/kea.conf
INFO/keactrl: Starting /home/wlodek/installed/git/sbin/kea-ctrl-agent -c /home/wlodek/installed/git/etc/kea/kea.conf
2019-05-23 02:37:52.052 FATAL [kea-ctrl-agent.dctl/1506] DCTL_CONFIG_FILE_LOAD_FAIL Control-agent reason: Configuration parsing failed: Unsupported object 'Dhcp4' in config file /home/wlodek/installed/git/etc/kea/kea.conf
Service failed: Could Not load configuration file: Configuration parsing failed: Unsupported object 'Dhcp4' in config file /home/wlodek/installed/git/etc/kea/kea.conf
master branch, same issue with v6, we had issue with forge itself so I can't say when exactly it was introduced I can say that right now - all tests are dead
Edited by Wlodzimierz Wencel