DB password is not prompted
The issue was reported by @marcin during 1.10 sanity checks. Source.
I build stork-server on mac and attempted to start it. I am getting the following error:
./stork-server --rest-static-files-dir=/Users/marcin/devel/stork-build/usr/share/stork/www/ --db-host=/tmp/ --db-user=stork
WARN[2023-04-04 16:30:09] server.go:195 The hook directory: '/var/lib/stork-server/hooks' doesn't exist error="cannot find plugin paths in: /var/lib/stork-server/hooks: cannot list hook directory: /var/lib/stork-server/hooks: open /var/lib/stork-server/hooks: no such file or directory"
INFO[2023-04-04 16:30:09] connection.go:90 Checking connection to database
FATA[2023-04-04 16:30:09] main.go:63 Cannot start the Stork Server: FATAL #28P01 empty password returned by client
unable to connect to the database using provided settings
Our help says that it is recommended to leave the password blank to be prompted, but I am not prompted.
Oddly enough, I can be prompted when I do this:
$ ./stork-server --rest-static-files-dir=/Users/marcin/devel/stork-build/usr/share/stork/www/ --db-host=/tmp/ --db-user=stork --db-password=" "
WARN[2023-04-04 16:33:28] server.go:195 The hook directory: '/var/lib/stork-server/hooks' doesn't exist error="cannot find plugin paths in: /var/lib/stork-server/hooks: cannot list hook directory: /var/lib/stork-server/hooks: open /var/lib/stork-server/hooks: no such file or directory"
INFO[2023-04-04 16:33:28] connection.go:90 Checking connection to database
database password for user stork: