Req 1.8 - Dump Service Configuration
As an admin I am able to dump the running configuration of a specified service on a specified server. I will want to save, open and review the configuration and I may want to email or upload the configuration file to ISC technical support for assistance. I am sometimes confused about which configuration file a service is actually running if there is more than one on the server, so please dump the one that is actually running in the service at the time.
This is for debugging purposes. In later releases we would like to be able to parse and display some configuration elements, and to enable the user to alter the configuration and reload it.
Possible details: I may have more than one of these files from the same or different servers and services, and if they are all named the same thing it won't help me when reviewing them later. If I have used the same filenames on each server (likely) I will need the file names to be more descriptive.
- enable me to specify a filename when saving the file
- possibly have a default filename including the server name and date/time?
- the file can be in the native format of the given service
- I would most often like to save this dump file on the centralized stork server, but if possible I would like to save it on any other network storage available to the stork application.