Feature Request: Use PATH variable or equivalent to find binaries instead of assuming they live in /usr/bin
Operating system: Openbsd 7.1
I use Openbsd as my main operating system to host Isc Bind or Kea and I want to use Stork.
When I want to install Stork or execute the command rake check:dist, it assumes all binaries live in /usr/bin However on Openbsd and probably on other *Bsd systems many binaries installed after the default install are placed in /usr/local/bin
So Stork installer and commands should check the PATH variable or a similar mechanism to find and use the binaries that are needed (npx, protoc, goswagger...) For example, on my system the command which finds it
# which ls
# which sed
# which rake30
Right now the workaround is to copy or symlink binaries so they are seen in /usr/bin
Hopefully Stork will implement this feature request to be more portable.
Thank you