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  • Michał Kępień's avatar
    Make VS solution upgrading unnecessary · 0476e8f1
    Michał Kępień authored
    Until now, the build process for BIND on Windows involved upgrading the
    solution file to the version of Visual Studio used on the build host.
    Unfortunately, the executable used for that (devenv.exe) is not part of
    Visual Studio Build Tools and thus there is no clean way to make that
    executable part of a Windows Server container.
    Luckily, the solution upgrade process boils down to just adding XML tags
    to Visual Studio project files and modifying certain XML attributes - in
    files which we pregenerate anyway using win32utils/Configure.  Thus,
    extend win32utils/Configure with three new command line parameters that
    enable it to mimic what "devenv.exe bind9.sln /upgrade" does.  This
    makes the devenv.exe build step redundant and thus facilitates building
    BIND in Windows Server containers.