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  • Evan Hunt's avatar
    better tcpquota accounting and client mortality checks · 2ab8a085
    Evan Hunt authored and Ondřej Surý's avatar Ondřej Surý committed
    - ensure that tcpactive is cleaned up correctly when accept() fails.
    - set 'client->tcpattached' when the client is attached to the tcpquota.
      carry this value on to new clients sharing the same pipeline group.
      don't call isc_quota_detach() on the tcpquota unless tcpattached is
      set.  this way clients that were allowed to accept TCP connections
      despite being over quota (and therefore, were never attached to the
      quota) will not inadvertently detach from it and mess up the
    - simplify the code for tcpquota disconnection by using a new function
    - before deciding whether to reject a new connection due to quota
      exhaustion, check to see whether there are at least two active
      clients. previously, this was "at least one", but that could be
      insufficient if there was one other client in READING state (waiting
      for messages on an open connection) but none in READY (listening
      for new connections).
    - before deciding whether a TCP client object can to go inactive, we
      must ensure there are enough other clients to maintain service
      afterward -- both accepting new connections and reading/processing new
      queries.  A TCP client can't shut down unless at least one
      client is accepting new connections and (in the case of pipelined
      clients) at least one additional client is waiting to read.
    (cherry picked from commit c7394738b2445c16f728a88394864dd61baad900)
    (cherry picked from commit e965d5f11d3d0f6d59704e614fceca2093cb1856)
    (cherry picked from commit 87d43116)