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  • Michał Kępień's avatar
    Do not run OpenBSD system test jobs for tags · d4c91308
    Michał Kępień authored
    OpenBSD virtual machines seem to affected particularly badly by other
    activity happening on the host.  This causes trouble around release
    time: when multiple tags are pushed to the repository, a large number of
    jobs is started concurrently on all CI runners.  In extreme cases, this
    causes the system test suite to run for about an hour (!) on OpenBSD
    VMs, with multiple tests failing.  We investigated the test artifacts
    for all such cases in the past and the outcome was always the same: test
    failures were caused by extremely slow I/O on the guest.  We tried
    various tricks to work around this problem, but nothing helped.
    Given the above, stop running OpenBSD system test jobs for pending BIND
    releases to prevent the results of these jobs from affecting the
    assessment of a given release's readiness for publication.  This change
    does not affect OpenBSD build jobs.  OpenBSD system test jobs will still
    be run for scheduled and web-requested pipelines, to make sure we catch
    any severe issues with test code on that platform sooner or later.
    (cherry picked from commit 7b002cea)
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