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  • Ondřej Surý's avatar
    Don't use reference counting in isc_timer unit · e26aa4cb
    Ondřej Surý authored
    The reference counting and isc_timer_attach()/isc_timer_detach()
    semantic are actually misleading because it cannot be used under normal
    conditions.  The usual conditions under which is timer used uses the
    object where timer is used as argument to the "timer" itself.  This
    means that when the caller is using `isc_timer_detach()` it needs the
    timer to stop and the isc_timer_detach() does that only if this would be
    the last reference.  Unfortunately, this also means that if the timer is
    attached elsewhere and the timer is fired it will most likely be
    use-after-free, because the object used in the timer no longer exists.
    Remove the reference counting from the isc_timer unit, remove
    isc_timer_attach() function and rename isc_timer_detach() to
    isc_timer_destroy() to better reflect how the API needs to be used.
    The only caveat is that the already executed event must be destroyed
    before the isc_timer_destroy() is called because the timer is no longet
    attached to .ev_destroy_arg.
    (cherry picked from commit ae01ec28)