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  • Michał Kępień's avatar
    Enable "stress" tests to be run on demand · f2309422
    Michał Kępień authored
    The "stress" test can be run in different ways, depending on:
      - the tested scenario (authoritative, recursive),
      - the operating system used (Linux, FreeBSD),
      - the architecture used (amd64, arm64).
    Currently, all supported "stress" test variants are automatically
    launched for all scheduled pipelines and for pipelines started for tags;
    there is no possibility of running these tests on demand, which could be
    useful in certain circumstances.
    Employ the "only:variables" key to enable fine-grained control over the
    list of "stress" test jobs to be run for a given pipeline.  Three CI
    variables are used to specify the list of "stress" test jobs to create:
      - BIND_STRESS_TEST_MODE: specifies the test mode to use; must be
        explicitly set in order for any "stress" test job to be created;
        allowed values are: "authoritative", "recursive",
      - BIND_STRESS_TEST_OS: specifies the operating system to run the test
        on; allowed values are: "linux", "freebsd"; defaults to "linux", may
        be overridden at pipeline creation time,
      - BIND_STRESS_TEST_ARCH: specifies the architecture to run the test
        on; allowed values are: "amd64", "arm64"; defaults to "amd64", may
        be overridden at pipeline creation time.
    Since case-insensitive regular expressions are used for determining
    which jobs to run, every variable described above may contain multiple
    values.  For example, setting the BIND_STRESS_TEST_MODE variable to
    "authoritative,recursive" will cause the "stress" test to be run in both
    supported scenarios (either on the default OS/architecture combination,
    i.e. Linux/amd64, or, if the relevant variables are explicitly
    specified, the requested OS/architecture combinations).
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