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  • Ondřej Surý's avatar
    Remove use of the inline keyword used as suggestion to compiler · 20f0936c
    Ondřej Surý authored and Ondřej Surý's avatar Ondřej Surý committed
    Historically, the inline keyword was a strong suggestion to the compiler
    that it should inline the function marked inline.  As compilers became
    better at optimising, this functionality has receded, and using inline
    as a suggestion to inline a function is obsolete.  The compiler will
    happily ignore it and inline something else entirely if it finds that's
    a better optimisation.
    Therefore, remove all the occurences of the inline keyword with static
    functions inside single compilation unit and leave the decision whether
    to inline a function or not entirely on the compiler
    NOTE: We keep the usage the inline keyword when the purpose is to change
    the linkage behaviour.