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  • Evan Hunt's avatar
    complete removal of isc_loop_current() · 63659e2e
    Evan Hunt authored and Ondřej Surý's avatar Ondřej Surý committed
    isc_loop() can now take its place.
    This also requires changes to the test harness - instead of running the
    setup and teardown outside of th main loop, we now schedule the setup
    and teardown to run on the loop (via isc_loop_setup() and
    isc_loop_teardown()) - this is needed because the new the isc_loop()
    call has to be run on the active event loop, but previously the
    isc_loop_current() (and the variants like isc_loop_main()) would work
    even outside of the loop because it needed just isc_tid() to work, but
    not the full loop (which was mainly true for the main thread).