Ensure suffix is always valid in bin/tests/system/qmin/ans4/ans.py (CID 350722)
Coverity CID 350722:
170 r.answer.append(
171 dns.rrset.from_text(
172 lqname + suffix, 1, IN, NS, "a.bit.longer.ns.name." + suffix
173 )
174 )
175 r.flags |= dns.flags.AA
15. Condition endswith(lqname, "icky.ptang.zoop.boing."), taking true branch.
176 elif endswith(lqname, "icky.ptang.zoop.boing."):
CID 350722 (#7 of 7): Bad use of null-like value (FORWARD_NULL)
16. invalid_operation: Invalid operation on null-like value suffix.
177 r.authority.append(
178 dns.rrset.from_text(
179 "icky.ptang.zoop.boing." + suffix,
180 1,
181 IN,
182 SOA,
183 "ns2." + suffix + " hostmaster.arpa. 2018050100 1 1 1 1",
184 )
185 )
Edited by Petr Špaček