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Fix DiG "timed out" message check in "legacy" system test

Arаm Sаrgsyаn requested to merge 3750-legacy-system-test-dig-timed-out-fix into main

The test expects a "connection timed out" message from DiG when it experiences a timeout, while the current version of DiG prints just a "timed out" message, like below:

    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out
    ;; communications error to timed out

    ; <<>> DiG 9.19.9-dev <<>> -p 11314 +tries +time +tcp +tries +time @ dropedns. TXT
    ; (1 server found)
    ;; global options: +cmd
    ;; no servers could be reached

Change the expected string to match the current DiG output.

Use the '-F' switch for "grep" for matching a fixed string.

Closes #3750 (closed)

Merge request reports