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Restore the IS_STUB() condition in zone_zonecut_callback

Ondřej Surý requested to merge 4212-dead-code-in-dns_rbt-zonedb into main

After the refactoring the condition whether to use DNAME or NS for the zonecut was incorrectly simplified and the !IS_STUB() condition was removed. This was flagged by Coverity as:

/lib/dns/rbt-zonedb.c: 192 in zone_zonecut_callback()
186     		found = ns_header;
187     		search->zonecut_sigheader = NULL;
188     	} else if (dname_header != NULL) {
189     		found = dname_header;
190     		search->zonecut_sigheader = sigdname_header;
191     	} else if (ns_header != NULL) {
>>>     CID 462773:  Control flow issues  (DEADCODE)
>>>     Execution cannot reach this statement: "found = ns_header;".
192     		found = ns_header;
193     		search->zonecut_sigheader = NULL;
194     	}
196     	if (found != NULL) {
197     		/*

Instead of removing the extra block, restore the !IS_STUB() condition for the first if block.

Closes #4212 (closed)

Merge request reports