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[9.11] Disable dnstap testing globally

Michal Nowak requested to merge mnowak/disable-dnstap-in-ci into bind-9.11

The dnstap system test fails permanently. Given that we don't have the resources to investigate and fix the issue in this EoL branch, turn off dnstap globally.

I:dnstap:checking that named-checkconf detects no error in good-fstrm-set-reopen-interval.conf
I:dnstap:wait for servers to finish loading
I:dnstap:checking initial message counts
I:dnstap:checking UDP message counts
I:dnstap:ns3        3 expected 4
I:dnstap:checking TCP message counts
I:dnstap:checking AUTH_QUERY message counts
I:dnstap:checking AUTH_RESPONSE message counts
I:dnstap:checking CLIENT_QUERY message counts
I:dnstap:checking CLIENT_RESPONSE message counts
I:dnstap:ns3        1 expected 2

But enable dnstap in Debian "stretch" CI jobs to ensure it builds and gets at least minimal testing.

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