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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • Doing
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    We're actively working on this!
  • Review
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Tickets and merge requests that are under review.
  • critical
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Tickets that are emergency and need to be dealt with immediately (as in "drop everything, everyone work on this issue")
  • high
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    High priority are things that are very important. Do them before other tickets, but generally follow normal workflow.
  • medium
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    This is the default priority. You should use this priority, unless you have very good reasons to do otherwise. Those tickets should be completed before the milestone is considered done.
  • low
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    These are tickets that are useful, but we may or may not have time to do them. We can release the code if those are not done.
  • Other labels

  • hooks
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • host_cmds
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to host commands hook
  • hosts-backend
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • invalid
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • lease-backend
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • lease_cmds
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to lease commands hook
  • legacy refactor
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • libcc
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • libconfig
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • libcrypto
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to crypto
  • libdhcp
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • libdhcpsrv
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to libkea-dhcpsrv (DHCPv4/v6 configuration, allocation engine, etc.)
  • libdns
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to libdns
  • libeval
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to expression evaluations.
  • libhttp
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
  • libprocess
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything that is related to libkea-process library (src/lib/process)
  • libyang
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything that is related to libkea-yang library (src/lib/yang)
  • limits
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    A subscriber hook for limits response rate, number of leases and more...
  • logging
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to logging.
  • lq
    ISC Open Source Projects / Kea
    Anything related to the leasequery hook or the leasequery protocol in general.